Maureen Connor
Maureen has been a member of the Norma’s Tax Service family since 2017. She recently took on the roll of Accounting Director, while still preparing tax returns. Maureen came to us with more than 10 years professional experience in accounting, business tax operations and tax preparation for individuals, small businesses, and farms. That experience was gained working as a bookkeeper for a small business and then as a tax professional for H&R Block. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Biology and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences. This unusual background allows Maureen to “think outside the box” and find solutions to complex problems.
Family is Maureen’s primary after hour’s activity. Her traditional “Brady-Bunch” style family with Mark includes four grown sons, four grown daughters, many daughter and son “in-laws” and 9 grandchildren with one on the way. She also is an avid horse rider and owns four horses (one of which is a pony for the grandkids!)